Thursday, October 05, 2006

Eye Candy Friday

I have Monday off. So I feel rather silly today.

There's been very little knitting going on around here lately, and
  • Michelle won't put up with underachievers, so I humbly show the little bit of what I knit.

    The Top Down Hat from
  • Hello Yarn It doesn't look like much I know, it was my 1st attempt at a figure 8 cast on and only took me about 8 tries to get it right. Maybe the 1st person to discover this clever method figured 8 times trying before casting on would do it. It was way awkward, but once I got it, I kinda felt a little full of myself.
  • Adrian rescued me after the 7th try. Thanks Adrian! So here's a close up of the top where the cast on was worked:

    Linus is in the background, ignoring me. Did I mention I'm also working on my photography skills? I'd also like to introduce you to another one of my little childlike habits joys to play with.

    A gift from my SIL when we moved into our house about 517 19 years ago. You'll be seeing these on special occasions. Tomorrow, I hope to have a decent Saturday sky pic along with a larger hat and possibly more
  • Forest Canopy Lace Hey, if you're gonna dream, dream big...


    Anonymous said...

    Hi there...I got your comment over at my LiveJournal blog. Thanks for the happy birthday wishes for Nathan! I think your comment here says it all:
    "I'm a northern stay at home mom trapped in a southern working mom's body."

    That is soooo me. I love my family, I just don't love my lifestyle. Your comment helps me soooo much...I always feel like I'm the only one feeling this way, like I'm some kind of complainer or loser because I don't enjoy being in the rat race and living in this hot dust bowl (everyone else thinks it is great here because of the "mild" winters. Make that "nonexistent" winters and hellish summers!).

    Your hat is looking great...great job on the cast-on! I haven't tried a figure 8 yet. I'm just a baby knitter. ;)

    Carol said...

    la-I couldn't get to your site, stupid PC people at work...The eyes are a hard candy, mostly sugar & sugar paint. They're rings.

    Stitch-n-Snitch said...

    My mom has that same geese gate! LOVE the eyeballs!!!

    Irie said...

    congrats on the figure 8 cast on! now you're ready to knit toe-up socks! :)

    Anonymous said...

    I never thought of the figure 8 cast on for a hat, I am intrigued. It would be so helpful for when I knit with an uncertain amount of my handspun. I end up counting rows and weighing what is left as I knit and that is no fun.