Friday, December 29, 2006

When You Get an F

Use it!

Julie gave me an F and I'll do my best to Fixate on it. The idea of using the letter given you is to Formulate 10 topics, truthinesses, themes or things with that letter. If you Feel the need for one, let me know, I'll send you one of 26 that I have on File. Let me start by saying, F is for Fluffy!

A pillow from Santa! OK, I bought it myself, but I love it just the same.
Let me Further elaborate on this ths F thing Flying around in my head. For instance, Family. Enough on that subject. Can you tell there was an incident at Christmas? Fkng right there was, and although I Fought the good Fight, I'm still Furious.Well, just a little. I can't be bothered because I do have Friends that can melt away any Feral Feelings I may have about issues past. This Fraternity I belong to, this world of knitters who blog and bloggers who knit is all I need to to stop my urges to Fidget and Fret and otherwise do away with the undesireables in my life.

Hey! This is like a first rant! I've never been pissed here before and man! This Feels Fabulous! Now for the Funny: A Friend who happens to be a knitter/blogger has a story of a Field Mouse. Well maybe not from the Field, but you know why I tossed that in.

Completes this series!

Over AND Beyond!

I've been wanting this for Forever! I Freakin LOVE Emily Post! And Peggy has done a wonderful job in continuing what her great-grandmother-in-law started. A true surprise from Santa. Along with a diamond necklace, I was a little Fawned over.

Received on Christmas eve from Rhymes With Fuschia for participating in Knit Unto Others.

This yarn Feels like heaven on earth! I'll be digging through all the books, zines and patterns for something special. I can't stop Fondling this yarn! Lucia, your Fiber Talents are Fantastic!

Now that Christmas is all but a memory, I can now Focus on learning my new position at work, and knitting. Since there will a Fasting of Fiber in 2007, I only have tomorrow to spend my gift certificates at my LYS. I plan to have a nice time there as this will be my cooling down time. A time to renew the Fun and Festive spirit that was squelched on the eve of Christmas day. A time to push aside the Female curse placed on us when we reach certain ages. I gotta get out of Florida! It's still in the 80s and ladies, I'm on FIRE!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One More for the Road

You Are a Snowman

Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know!

Which suits me just fine! And if this were not enough,

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Knit_and_Run sent to me...
Twelve somethings drumming
Eleven somethings piping
Ten somethings a-leaping
Nine somethings dancing
Eight somethings a-milking
Seven somethings a-running
Six somethings a-knitting
Five so-o-o-omethings
Four somethings
Three cats
Two marathons
...and a LiveJournal meme in a pear tree.
Get your own Twelve Days:

That totally cracks me up, cause it sounds like something I would sing to myself. I'm lost in the activities of making sure the house is clean, the laundry and grocery shopping are done so all I have to think about is baking cookies, reading blogs and knitting. Snowman, finished.

He has taken his rightful place with the other snowfolk collected over the years.

Surprisingly, they haven't melted. It's only like 80 fric n degrees here! Can we get a chill here or SOMEthing? I also managed a couple of ornaments, I was really lazy this year. I made a few for the bosses at work (golfers) and a couple for the fiber lovers, me being one of them.

Stuffing novelty yarns into glass balls is fun! Not a single bandaid was needed! A few felt bags for oddly shaped gifts and my niece's bear with her scarf and "purse" to keep her lipstick in. heh heh, her mom & dad will love that. She's 3

Go here:

I gave. I emailed the Harlot. Knitters really showed em we're here. There's another way to give,

go here and see! I did that too. And speaking of giving, January's coming quickly. So I'm making one more for the road.

Merry Christmas my friends

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Time!

After getting my butt kicked by the flu, I think I can resume Christmas festivities. This is the longest time I've gone without posting and I think Michelle believes I've disappeared.

Speaking of Michelle, sweetie pie, you made me feel like a million skeins of yarn when I saw this:

Would you look at the bag? It's knitted! I'll also have good supplies to document the festivities in the scrapbook and look at those gift tags! Purses! Uh that lovely Regia sock yarn is now being compromised to Megan who really wants socks from it! The coffee is all gone, Michelle, you KNOW what I like! A million thank yous! And I know yous is now a word cause it's in the dictionary. Not mine, but it's in the new one. And now for something completely related:

A holiday meme that I first read at Maryse's.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate with marshmallows please.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? They're wrapped and in the most imaginable ways possible. We've given shirts in pizza boxes. They were not used for pizza!

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Both. White outside-it's the only thing that makes it seem cold. Colored on the tree.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Yes

5. When do you put your decorations up? Depends. I like them up as soon after Thanksgiving as possible.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Christmas eve-traditional Italian feast baby!

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? The Christmas morning we woke up and there was three feet of snow! It was just like in the movie Christmas Story when Ralphie looked out the window and proclaimed, "Wow!".

8 . When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I don't remember, but I was about 6. It was & still is, hard to keep things from me.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes sort of. Christmas eve at one SIL's, then ours are opened Christmas morning, then more at other SIL's in the evening. We're rather spoiled over here.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Lights, wood bead garlands and many ornaments that were handmade through the years. Before children, I actually cross stitched ornaments. HA

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? It would make front page news across the US if it snowed here. So I guess we'd love it.

12. Can you ice skate? Are you kidding? I can barely walk with grace.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Yes, a piano.

14. What's your favorite thing about the holidays? The spirit of it all.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Cookies!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Going to Karen's Christmas eve, to Eileen's Christmas evening then crashing on the 26th.

17. What tops your tree? An angel, I really hate doing that to her though.

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I always wanted to be Santa Clause.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? I love them all, but Nat King Cole's Christmas Song.

20. Candy canes yuck or yum? Yum, but only one per year is necessary.

21. What's number one on your Christmas list this year? That ALL our troops would be home with their families.

Now a little Christmas knitting that I said I wasn't going to do. A scarf for my four year old niece, cause she loves to play dress up. A pair of fingerless mitts for a co-worker who lives in Michigan. I also made a "goth" stocking for daughter 1's boyfriend.

I added another project to my list after making this:

I have a snowman collection, so when I had three sea urchins in my craft stash, this just popped into my little mind. Some things just come out as you envision them. I hope my knitting will too. I went and joined a knitalong, I must be insane.

Since I'm also joining in on THIS knitalong or should I say diet along, which also coincides with THISI better hurry and get the yarn. This is going to be a year that will test my very will. Integrity I'm not worried about, I'll tell if I slip.

Monday, December 04, 2006

My Life. My Blog.

Here's a cool meme I found at January One's. So , I downloaded the form here, took a self photo, I was cracking up by the way, and here you go.

I'm in Meg's room cause she has the best self pic photo op in the house.

I've been caught up in all the Christmastime glory-The shopping the wrapping the decorating and man am I tired. I hope to get in some good knitting tonight. I finished 3 squares for Firefly and they're ready to ship. This was the most realistic way I could participate in the Knit Unto Others put together this year by Margene and Carole.

I always want to do way more than I can and when I was younger it was always all or nothing. Now I realize I can not look at this as a "Go big or go home" thing. If I do just 1 thing that helps another, then it's good. If I just wish I could do a lot, I've DONE nothing. I'll continue to do what I can. Of course, The Betties knit things all the time for whatever is calling to be done. That's our group's only requirement: 1 item per year for charity, whatever you want, however big or small. I can live with that. Girl One made a sketch for me (in about 15 minutes no less) I think you'd enjoy. she draws all her sketches with black ink and colored pencils. It's her knitting insert large smile here.

PS, I don't think the meme page is large enough to read. Blogger and Photoshop are playing tricks on me. Don't worry if you can't read it, it's not that exciting. OK, I checked, it's tiny. If you click on it, it's readable, but still not terribly exciting. Happy knitting!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So much done, so much to do

I've got to stop taking days off from work, the work at home is twice as hard with no pay, and I'm behind on posting and reading blogs. Why is that? Hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving. We did. I cooked for a day and a half then ate myself stupid. I shopped for Christmas, mostly on-line and spent all the "loose" cash. Ouch. All the lights are on the house and the halls are ready to be decked. My butt is still sore from spending a half day on the roof. Ouch again.
I did little knitting, but since it was a holiday, I won't feel too bad about it. I finished B's hat. It looks much better on his head.

And a square for Firefly. If you have some scraps of yarn and time to make a 7" square, this is the place for it.

I expect to finish another tonight because frankly, I won't be able to do anything that requires leaving my comfy chair.
There is more yarn in the house too. Since I promised Firefly I would continue to knit squares, I bought some Plymouth Encore for them.

This also is my little contribution to the Knit Unto Others project. It's times like these when I wish I didn't work.

I also won - yes WON a beautiful prize from Midnight Sky Fibers. This is a handspun and handpainted 2 Ply Bulky Weight Wool/Mohair blend called Luminescent Haze. I am scouring all my books and magazines to find a special project for this! It's just awesome to have yarn like this. Thank you Wendy for making this win possible! You can win too! Just go to Wendy's page here.

I also received 2 skeins of Lornas Laces from Trek Thank you! It's my first LL, and I love the colors in this. Bullfrogs and Butterflies are my kinda colors! Thank you Trek! Insert large smile

I hope this makes Michelle happy, she gets all over me if I slack on posting.

Now how did THAT get there?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Testing, Testing

One great thing about being a relatively new knitter, how long do I get to milk this new knitter thing? is that almost everything is new. I joined The Meathead Knitalong and just like that, it's done! I figured I was getting fairly good at hats because it's funny that I live in Florida and knit so many hats I knit a few lately. All we had to do, was test knit and embellish with something of our own choice. I had a ball with this.

Here's a closeup:

I have 2 more hats on the needles, then 2 more to knit. Jeeze, will some one tell these people I live in Florida?!

I'm trying to get my squares off to Firefly for Project Gracious Parcels 2006 as well. Time is running out. I'll also post those when they're ready to go.

I probably will not post until after Thanksgiving, as we're hosting the dinner as is tradition here. There will plenty of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, some specialty foods and enough sugar to send all the residents of Cuba to college for 4 years.

I am thankful for my family, friends and all the awesome people I "met" right here in Blogville. I appreciate all the inspiration, creativity and talents you all never fail to provide. May you have as much to be thankful for as I do. x

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wednesday Mix

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: Philadelphia

Your accent is as Philadelphia as a cheesesteak! If you're not from Philadelphia, then you're from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you've ever journeyed to some far off place where people don't know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn't have a clue what accent it was they heard.

The Northeast
The Midland
The Inland North
The South
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

OK Quizilla, ya got me. Guess you can take the girl out of Philly...

There has been shopping:

This is from the talented hands of Scout. She dyed this especially for Socktoberfest in a generous skein of 500 yards, (Superwash Merino/Nylon) enough for a pair of knee socks. She put up some extras cause everyone was crazy for these. Me included. I also purchased the Go Knit Pouch in Meg's favorite colors in an attempt to have her join the knitting fold. She has to learn to knit to get it.

Check out Scout's Swag though, she's added some really cool stuff to her site. (No affiliation), just sharing.

Speaking of really nice yarn, I won some gorgeous handspun from Jenn Wisbeck at Midnight Sky Fibers just for a little donation I made to Heifer International! I scored Jenn's Handspun Luminescent Haze in colors I love! If you want to help out entire families for a small donation, go to Wendy's, all the info is in her sidebar. She's done a great thing there and has some beautiful prizes as well! It only takes a minute...I'll wait

Not speaking of yarn, I spent the whole weekendwasting my time cleaning my ass offpurging "stuff" and cleaning. I did manage to piece together some fabric strips for the Tailgate Rag Rug

I would love to have finished one by now. Do you have to start something to finish it? I did start a hat for B, but it's not finished yet.

BTW, if you have a ball winder, they work great with fabric strips too!

Also finished, is my very first wearable! But I have no intention of wearing it.

This is the Baby Bolero from One Skein.

This was so easy, even I could do it! Next, hat & booties and this baby (set) is done! To see how versatile this pattern can be, go see Possessed To Knit,

Roseann is a much more experienced knitter than I, and she made it her way. She also explains very clearly what she does different to make it the way she did. It's quite beautiful I must say.

Speaking of things done, have you seen what Cara is doing now? She's a genius. If you've not seen her Log Cabin Afghan, you should check it out..really.

And just because it's Wednesday, something random.

This was taken last week, so it's still pretty hot here. Lows are mid to upper 60s and highs are low 80s. We're supposed to cool off a little soon, c'mon already! Have a great rest of the week and stay warm or cool, whatever it takes...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Random You Know...

This one's for Chappy's Mom cause I am a prize ho love contests. And there's double contest going on over there! Send her your November calendar shot and/or be her 5000th commentor, and win!

Since it's a random day, and because I'm half asleep, check this out. Hey waiter! There's a Canadian leaf in my coffee!

Strange or what? Or is it stranger that I photographed it?
Since I have no knitting photographed, I'll leave you with another of Kate's "knitting":

Have a great day all!