Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Here we go again!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Knit-and-Run Goes Numb
I spent time gathering some old projects made long before blogging existed at my desk and wishing all the long gone gifts had been photographed. I'm still keeping ye olde Knit-and-Run, I'm a sentiMENTAL fool that way. I hope you'll still visit me.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
My FLA - Week 5
We got in at night so we would be well rested when we hit the park in the morning. The hotel has an entire town with family dining and an Italian restaurant that was just like eating at grandma's in Italy. It cost about as much to go to grandma's in Italy. I also enjoyed myself in the hotel's bathroom that had cool leuver windows above the tub. I scared the crap out of the old man with those! OK, I'm 12, but I'm snickering right now just thinking of it.
Portofino Bay at night
Looking the other way is the bay where I spent time in the morning feeding all the ducks that came in for breakfast. I couldn't get decent photos of them, but I remember cracking up because one duck would be out on a little wooden boat (there for decor only), and that duck sounded like he was laughing. They didn't come around at night though.
First thing in the morning, our water taxi came to get us and wisked us off to playland.
As you can see, the offspring was completely thrilled.
Hello Universal!
Some highlights:
The Mummy: Highly recommended.
The Incredible Hulk, ah no. Not me. We hung out while the girls went on it. Three times. This looks much smaller here than it really is.
This is what we saw while we waited. Did I mention it was hot?
Oh wise old mountain man, when the hell are these kids gonna get tired of this ride?
Hot hot hot hot hot
I bought stuff while I waited. hot hot hot hot
Don't I wish....
Reminds me of the old SNL. You're that land shark! I'm 12
No Universal trip is complete without stopping by SpongeBob's pineapple house.
When you can't be home...
They're not kidding, they're everywhere.
How do you measure the success of a vacation?
When you wind up with a steaming pile of kid at the end of the day.
Monday, January 28, 2008
B is for...

Baby Bibs O' Love ala Mason-Dixon . These were made with one skein of Sugar and Cream self striping I found at A.C. Moore while on a yarn raid with The Betties. We seem to be managing get togethers more often than just knit nights, and Blogfree Debbie always apologizes in advance where ever we go.
Many Bib's O' Love have come out our group, especially from Mimi who seems to be addicted. Intervention? Nahhh
Saturday, January 26, 2008
For A Good Time, Click...A Public Service Announcement
So until JenLa is up and running again, you may admire their button here.

Talk about Friday Fuck Up
Friday, January 11, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008

A is for ABC Along, Award, Anime, Agony
I was Awarded by JenLa in their 4th Annual Knit Blog Awards! I received the Hawkeye Award which for anyone that knows me is most fitting. If you had told me three years Ago I would have received this honor, I would have said well dammit I'll try!
The 2nd Annual Anime convention is now going on at our public library and if madame Kate does not wake up soon, she will miss it. It would have a little more exciting if she entered their drawing contest, but a certain mother of hers saw it too late to get in. Which brings to the Agony that is my new job. One word to The Man, (lawsuit) if you don't cut out the shit you're pulling and furthermore, good luck cause you're going to be training a new person every three months asshole. You're very smart and know your job, but you lack the common sense and time management skills God gave a bedbug.
Cripes, is it B yet?